Joining a committee is a great way to get involved in the association. Being a committee member gives you a voice in different decisions directly impacting the association while also providing you the opportunity to expand your leadership skills.

Interested in joining a committee? Reach out to our team at for information about how you can get involved.

Events Committee

The purpose of the events committee is to advise and work with staff to plan continuing education programs, networking opportunities, and overall planning for Big I Maryland's annual conference and trade show. Works with the YAC and other members to develop events that are beneficial and engaging for all attendees.

Legislative Committee

The purpose of the legislative committee is to monitor all insurance related legislation on behalf of members during sessions, help establish association positions, and provides direction in fundraising and PAC disbursement efforts to support legislative activities.

Committee Chairman: 

Jay Duke | Waring-Ahearn Ins Agency

Membership Committee

The purpose of the membership committee is to provide strategic guidance to retain and grow an actively engaged membership. Committee members assist the Big I Maryland staff during the onboarding of new members and help to increase engagement with current members through outreach programs.

Committee Chairman: 

Christopher Weller |OakPoint Ins Agency

Young Agents Committee

The purpose of the young agents committee is to empower young insurance professionals and those new to the industry by creating opportunities for personal development, building professional relationships and developing overall knowledge and expertise. Learn More!

Committee Chairman: 

Danielle Webber | Maury, Donnelly & Parr

Contact Information:

Big I Maryland

102 St Claire Pl., Ste 1A

Stevensville, MD. 21666

P: 410-766-0600


@ 2023 Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland, Inc